Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Environmental Talks

We always like to have the folk from Educate and Fascinate come round with their shows and this year was a really important one. The put on a show that highlighted the plight of the honey bee. The children were horrified to learn that the honey bee is endangered and the long term implications for our planet if we loose the bee.
The children are very aware of the role that the bee plays in the garden but were not completely aware of how vital they were to our ecosystem. It was a thoroughly enjoyable way to make sure the children learnt some very vital facts
We invited the Metro Dog Unit to come visit the children and give them a safety talk. Much excitement was had when they put on a display of their dogs' skills all the while educating them on how important it is to learn your parents phone numbers and other essential emergency numbers.
Rhino Day is a must every year. It's been on our annual calendar for a few years now because we feel very strongly that it is our responsibility to look after our heritage. We often talk about how the rhino lives on "our doorstep" and we are the closest so we have to lead the way in educating people about the rhino and raising money for the people who work directly with them. 
The same could be said for the African Penguin, which is another environmental day that has made it's way permanently onto our calendar and into our hearts. We love a good "penguin waddle" in salute of these well dressed endangered birds

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